Canvas and JavaScript. Animation

Canvas and JavaScript. Animation

What is great is that on Canvas you can not only draw, but also animate objects. To do this, have JavaScript there is a complete set of tools. You will learn how to make drawn in Canvas geometric shapes, move. The essence of animation is to clean up Canvas and drawing the new position of the shape. To do this, you need to create a function and call it at a specified time interval.

Create a drawing area

// Создание холста

// CSS стили
#canvas {
    width: 600px;
    height: 300px;
    margin: 40px;
    background-image: url(grid.png);

Drawing a square

Let’s add X a coordinate with a value of 75 to a variable positionXas the square will move horizontally.

let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); // получение холста в документе
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // получение контекста рисования
let positionX = 75; // начальная позиция X координаты

ctx.fillStyle = "pink"; // цвет заливки
ctx.rect(positionX, 75, 75, 75); // x, y, width, height

Animation of the movement of a square

Method setInterval takes two attributes: a function and a specified time interval. The function clears the canvas from the current position of the square and draws a new square each time, increasing the value of the variable positionX per unit. When the position reaches the canvas width value of 600 pixels, that is, the square is out of bounds canvas, then the initial value of the square’s position is set to 75. The square returns to its original position and the animation starts over. Thus, the function will run every 60 milliseconds. The shorter the time interval, the faster the figure moves.

Canvas and JavaScript. Animation.

let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); // получение холста в документе
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // получение контекста рисования
let positionX = 75; // начальная позиция X координаты

setInterval (function () {
    ctx.beginPath ();
    ctx.clearRect (0,0,600,300); // clear the canvas
    ctx.fillStyle = “pink”; // fill color
    ctx.rect (positionX, 75, 75, 75); // x, y, width, height
    ctx.fill ();
    positionX ++; // change position
    if (positionX> 600) {
        positionX = 75;
}, 60); // run every 60 milliseconds

Look at CodePenas the square slowly moves to the right and when it reaches the right border of the drawing area, it returns to its original position.

If you do not clear the canvas, then the squares will begin to play and fill the entire trajectory of movement.

Canvas and JavaScript. Animation.

Animation of an enlargement of a square

Canvas and JavaScript. Animation.

Let’s add to the variable size the initial width and height of the square, and instead of the width and height, we will specify this variable in the command parameters rest… Then we will increase the size of the variable value by one size ++… When the size of the square reaches 225 pixels, the square will stop enlarging, the canvas will be cleared clearRect and we will see a small square again.

let canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
let size = 75;

setInterval(function() {
    ctx.clearRect(0,0,600,300); // очистка холста
    ctx.fillStyle = "pink"; // цвет заливки
    ctx.rect(75, 75, size, size); // x, y, width, height
    size++; // увеличение размера
    if(size > 225) {
        size = 75;
},60); // запуск каждые 60 миллисекунд

Look at CodePenas the square slowly increases in size and reaches the boundaries of the drawing area, returns to its original size

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