The video course “Creation and promotion of a site from A to Z” has been released

You are here:Home – A video course “Creation and promotion of a site from A to Z” has been released Today my video course “Website development and…

Turnkey website order

You are here:Home – Turnkey website order Dear friends, I accept orders for website development. I draw your attention to the fact that I am engaged in…

Went on vacation

You are here:Home – Gone on vacation Dear friends! I am going on vacation until August 26th. For the entire period of my absence, my good friend…

Testing on the website

You are here:Home – Testing on the site Not too long ago I got an idea creating tests to test your knowledge of Web technologies… I…

PHP testing available

You are here:Home – PHP Testing Available As I promised, today I added a new test to the site. This time I chose the most requested topic…

How to choose an idea for a website?

You are here:Home – How to choose an idea for a website? Almost all people who have already learned a little about creating sites, the question arises:…

The video course “Website layout from scratch” has been released

You are here:Home – Video course “Website layout from scratch” has been released I am glad to announce that today the official release of the Video Course…

JavaScript Testing

You are here:Home – JavaScript Testing As I promised, new tests are still being written. And today I added another test, this time by JavaScript… Now I’ll…

What you need to know before learning how to create websites

You are here:Home – What you need to know before learning how to create websites I decided to write this article for the very, very beginners. If…

SQL Testing

You are here:Home – SQL Testing Today I added another test to the site, this time by SQL query language… Let’s, as usual, talk about the test…

How to write programs correctly

You are here:Home – How to write programs correctly In this article there will be no code, any scripts, but there will be just a theory about…

How to get things done

You are here:Home – How to get things done I can safely say that most people very rarely bring their affairs to the end… The whole process…

Take a break from writing articles

You are here:Home – A break from writing articles I hasten to inform you that I take a break from writing articles until early September… This is…

I got a blog

You are here:Home – I have a blog Today I posted my blog on the Internet: I have been developing it for over a month, and…

New Year greetings

You are here:Home – New Year’s greetings I did not write the article, all the same, everyone is already in a festive mood and I don’t really…

Working with lists in Python

List in Python is an ordered collection of elements of the same type or not of the same type and belongs to the data type list… This…

Conditions in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Conditions in Python В Python there is a boolean data type boolwhich can only return two values: True…

For Loop in Python

The for loop in Python is designed to iterate over the elements in the collection. Why iterate over these elements? Of course, iterating over the elements by…

Creating dictionaries in Python

Dictionary is a data type (dist) In Python and is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. Dictionaries in Python very much like associative arrays or lists. We…

Python dictionary methods

In the last lesson, we learned create dictionaries, add and remove elements from the dictionary. Now you need to learn how to work with dictionaries, do something…

Working with strings in Python

In this article, we will go over the basic basics working with strings in Python… Line (string) contains a set of characters in the encoding ASCII and…

Python String Methods

В Python different data types have their own methods (functions) that are specific to that data type. And since in the last lesson we began to get…

Functions in Python

Function in Python Is a named block of code that consists of sequential instructions and is called by name anywhere in the program. In the instructions, there…

Poroshenko draws a “red line” for Zelensky on “Ukrainian Church” issue

MP Petro Poroshenko demands the ruling party does not make any concessions “on the issue of national identity”. The leader of European Solidarity and ex-president Petro Poroshenko…

Tuples – immutable lists in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Tuples – Immutable Lists in Python I have already told you about one of the data types in…