Happy Angel Irina Day: original congratulations in verses, postcards and pictures

The name Irina comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirena and is translated as “peace” or “calm”.

Today is the day of the angel Irina. On this day, you can congratulate relatives and friends of Irina on their name days.

What does the name Irina mean? Linguists believe that the name Irina comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene and in translation this name means “peace” or “calm”.

When to celebrate Irina’s Angel Day?

Irina’s name day in 2022 according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, August 10, 17, 22, and October 1.

Irina is active, friendly, purposeful. Her active life position is sometimes so striking against the background of other people that it catches the eye. Purposefulness helps her in promotion. She is responsible and easily gets along in the team. Ira loves praise, this can manifest itself in the so-called “excellent student syndrome”. Irina’s family occupies, although important, but often not the first place. She does not like to obey and is looking for a partner or equal to herself or already with very pronounced leadership qualities.

Congratulations on Irina’s Angel Day in verse

Feminine, gentle Irina –
Peace and tranquility
In your name And now, on the name day,
I’ll tell you how proud I am of you.

And I’ll write about happiness
What should come to you
After all, there is no place for sad bad weather
Not one step in your path.


Flutter you, Irochka, like a bird,
Will you be able to stop
While you are young – walk,
Respect your family and friends.

Let your mood
Always conveys warmth
I wish you good luck
And congratulations with all my heart!


I wish happiness to Irina
And congratulations on your name day,
Let it be crazy lucky
Luck is near

You be beautiful, smart, brave,
And move skillfully towards the goals,
Always live with dignity
May your dreams come true!


Irochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house – prosperity, comfort always,
Don’t let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family – understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Irina’s congratulations in pictures and postcards

Congratulations on Irina’s day in prose

Today is the day of the angel Irina! Irina is strong-willed, extremely responsible, she has a sense of justice. Happy angel day to such a wonderful person and wish her to remain just as beautiful. So that your angel will fly to you more often, keep you from all troubles and protect you from misfortunes.


Angel Day is celebrated today by a sweet girl, Irina. People with this name try to be in harmonious relations with themselves and others, intellectually developed, well-read. Stay the same always the same beautiful and sweet girl. May you always be under the wing of your guardian angel. Good luck, happiness, youth and all the brightest.


Dear Irina, I want to congratulate you on your magnificent holiday – Angel Day! I wish you that a soft carpet of good luck and luck spreads under your feet, that there are always relatives and close people nearby, that warm and joyful memories remain behind you, and that there are promising horizons of happiness and success ahead.


Irishka, today, on your day of an angel, I want to sincerely wish you to live with a bright light of joy in your soul and with a good faith in miracles! Dear Irochka, may every day of your life be filled with magic and goodness!

See also: The name Irina and its meaning. Origin of the name, character, compatibility with other names

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