December 5: what is today’s public holiday and what is forbidden to do today

The national holiday on December 5 is known as Prokopyev Day.

What a holiday on December 5 / photo by Pixabay

Christians celebrate a church holiday on December 5 in honor of the Jerusalem saint Procopius the Reader. On this day, a strong sled path was established and our ancestors moved to sleds en masse. The reservoirs were already completely covered with ice, and the ground was covered with snow. On this date, the peasants held snow detention on the site.

On this day, roads and paths were given great importance. It was believed that the road can bring a person both great happiness and grief. To be accompanied by success in everything, they tried to behave decently and calmly on the road.

On this day, fairs were held in Kyivan Rus and winter goods were traded – sleds, Christmas trees, and firewood. Sellers tried to make more money, and buyers tried to knock down the price. In general, the day is considered good for trade and any financial transactions.

Young people had fun on this day – they rode sleds, went down slides, played with snowballs and made snowmen. In the evening of December 5, the whole village gathered around a bonfire and roasted meat, while those who observed fasting cooked potatoes in the bonfire. Men brewed and drank beer that day.

What not to do on December 5

  1. It is forbidden to quarrel, curse and complain on the road and in transport. The more negative emotions you experience on the road, the more unsuccessful the road will be.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to pick up any things and money on the road.
  3. Throwing garbage and cigarette butts on the road today is a serious sin.

Weather signs on December 5

  • Our ancestors noticed that if it is frosty on this day, spring will be cold.
  • If there is a lot of soot at the place of the fire, then soon a lot of snow will fall.
  • Pines drop their needles – until the weather warms up.
  • If the ice has cracked on the rivers and lakes, it will soon warm up and wet snow will fall.
  • The north wind blows – to strong night frosts.
  • If there is dirt and slush on the roads, there will be no serious frosts until St. Catherine’s Day (December 7).

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