Setting up Yoast SEO for WooCommerce stores. Part 1

You are here:Home – Software – Software for website promotion – Setting up Yoast SEO for stores on WooCommerce. Part 1 In this lesson, we will analyze…

Setting up Yoast SEO for Woocommerce stores. Part 2

You are here:Home – Software – Software for website promotion – Setting up Yoast SEO for stores on Woocommerce. Part 2 We continue to parse the plugin…

Python – as the first programming language

Study of Python, well suited for mastering the basics of programming, as it is one of the simplest languages. Simplicity is its main feature. In addition, the…

Installing Python 3.7.4 on Windows

It is possible that after reading the article Python – as the first programming language, you will want to get to know python (popular name) better. If…

Variables in Python

No programming language can do without variables and Python this is no exception. A variable in programming is a named area of ​​memory used to store a…

JSON formatting in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – JSON Formatting in Python In the last article, we learned about the basics of working with JSON in…

Scope in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – Scope in Python To understand the peculiarities of the language, it is important to understand how variable scoping…

How to read a file into a list in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – How to read a file into a list in Python Reading files in Python Is a fairly trivial…

Writing a Python test generator

Hello, In this article, I would like to show an example Python program that generates tickets based on questions from a text file. import random import openpyxl…

How do I select a random value from a list in Python?

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – How to select a random value from a list in Python? In this short article I will show…

Outputting multiple random phrases in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Outputting Multiple Random Phrases in Python In this example Python script i will show you how you canoutput…

Sending mail messages in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Sending Mail in Python Mail is one of the basic channels of communication with the audience. And today…

String Formatting in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – String Formatting in Python Formatting strings is one of the basic operations in anyprogramming language and Python this…

Anonymous (lambda) functions in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – Anonymous (Lambda) Functions in Python RџSЂRё programming in Python periodically have to meet withlambda functions. Lambda functions are…

F-strings in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – F-Strings in Python We continue to study string formatting in Python… In this article we will get to…

Regular expressions in Python.

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Regular Expressions in Python. Hello! Today I want to tell you about regular expressions in Python.I will not…

Working with OpenCV in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Working with OpenCV in Python Computer vision Is one of the most popular areas in programming. It is…

OpenCV graphical primitives in Python

By means of the library OpenCV it is possible not only to edit the image or photos, but also to add new graphic elements to them.Let’s try…

The asterisk operator in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Fundamentals – Asterisk Operator in Python A fairly universal and at the same time convenient operator in Python is operator…

Working with video in Python OpenCV

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Working with Video in Python OpenCV В OpenCV library for Python work with video can take place either…

List generator in Python

List generator – this is such a construction Python language, allowing you to create a list with one line of code. Syntactically list generator can be thought…

Parsing sites in Python

One of the most frequent tasks in Python, and not only in it, is parsing of any site.Make Means Python it is quite simple and convenient, and…

Motion Recognition in Python OpenCV

In one of the previous articles on OpenCV we learned how to deduce the contours of the image from the video stream and normalize them i.e. get…

Classes in Python

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Classes in Python Python Is an object-oriented programming language. IN Python almosteverything is objects with properties and methods….

Python script – guess the number game.

You are here:Home – Python – Python Basics – Python script – guess the number game. Python script – guess the number game. # файл импортируем модуль для работы со случайными числамиimport random # число попыток угадатьguesses_made = 0 # получаем имя пользователя из консольного вводаname = input(‘Привет! Как тебя зовут?n’) # получаем случайное число в диапазоне от 1 до 30number = random.randint(1, 30)print (‘Отлично, {0}, я загадал число между 1 и 30. Сможешь угадать?’.format(name))…