December 12: what is today’s national holiday and what is forbidden to do

The national holiday on December 12 is known as Paramon Winter Indicator, Paramon Day. What a holiday on December 12 / photo Anna, Pixabay Christians celebrate a…

December 5: what is today’s public holiday and what is forbidden to do today

The national holiday on December 5 is known as Prokopyev Day. What a holiday on December 5 / photo by Pixabay Christians celebrate a church holiday on…

December 4: folk customs, weather signs and main prohibitions

On December 4, the national holiday of the Introduction to the Church of the Holy Mother of God is celebrated. What a holiday on December 4 /…

November 25: folk customs and traditions, weather signs, prohibitions

The national holiday on November 25 is known as Ivan the Merciful, Ivan the Snowy. What a holiday on November 25 / photo Christians celebrate a…