I can’t imagine anything worse than a summer with my in-laws

Nearly everyone that I know is getting excited and making plans for a summer holiday. I would like to be as well but currently there’s an ongoing…

I never know where my husband is – and I like it that way

Much of the time, I have no idea of my husband’s whereabouts and what he is doing. He is not hiding, or dabbling in something suspect that…

Our sex life is electric, but half the time we hate each other

After 20 years of marriage, somehow our sex life is better than ever – even more of a miracle given that outside of the bedroom, most of…

Now that I’m no longer a party girl I’m worried my husband might leave me

I met my husband at college. He was a shy northerner with a dramatic bent; I was a posh “good-time girl”. The way he tells it, meeting…

My wife wants me to work another 14 years so we can keep our house

I’ve adored my wife for over 25 years. I was 30 when we met and convinced that a successful relationship just wasn’t going to happen for me….

My husband won’t stop doomscrolling about the war – and it’s scaring me witless

My husband and I are both news junkies, but following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, our consumption of rolling news is causing friction at home. I’m…

I tricked my wife into losing weight – but I don’t feel guilty

My wife and I never bothered about putting on weight. We both loved our food and drink and scoffed at the thought of New Year’s resolutions or…

I’m married to the holiday grinch – he never wants to go anywhere

As talk turns to the summer holidays, red lists evaporate and chatter begins about where might be an option for our long-awaited trips abroad, I’m inwardly envious…

My wife is ignoring our autistic daughter’s needs

Last year, our younger daughter was confirmed as being on the autistic spectrum. It was a fairly late diagnosis, as she’s in her early teens, but, apparently,…

My wife refuses to accept that we are getting a divorce – I’m running out of polite explanations

Our marriage broke down in an amicably weary way a couple of years ago but my wife seems happy to just drift on, leading largely separate lives…

Writing erotic fiction saved my 15-year marriage (to a vicar)

Nice but mousy, is how I overheard one of the ladies of the parish describe me. It’s a fair enough description for a vicar’s wife, though there’s…

It’s been ten years since I slept with my husband

My diary tells me that it has been a decade, a whole 10 years since my husband moved out – not from our home, but our bedroom….

My now ex-wife has taken a restraining order out on me

I moved home last month, from a flatshare where I was one of four (and the oldest by 15 years), and into a bedsit which, from its…

My husband has found God in a big way – and lost his sense of fun

My husband’s sense of fun appealed to me from the moment I met him, and it made him a great teacher. He’s the head of music at…

My illness has tested our relationship but also strengthened our bond

My wife and I didn’t get married in a church – it was a registry office on the high street; the rain held off – but we…

My wife hates me, but for now we muddle on in an uneasy stasis

I always liked to say that the first thing that drew me to my wife was her rapier wit. She was arch and funny, and could be…

Try as I might, I have never managed to buy my wife a present that she likes

The sound of ripping wrapping paper on Christmas morning once filled me with joy, accompanied as it inevitably was by the sound of children’s laughter. I’m a…

My wife loves our new friends, but they bore the pants off me

It was only when the third lockdown was lifted, and life between variants returned to a kind of normal, that I realised just how comfortable I’d become…

I’m sick of my husband taking credit for looking after our grandkids

We had both taken early retirement and were thoroughly enjoying it when our first grandson was born. It was a total joy to have time to spend…

The man I married has turned into a country squire – and I hate it

When we married 25 years ago, my husband lived in the fast lane. He had an exciting job in the city, drove a snazzy car, enjoyed glamorous…

My husband doesn’t make enough effort on my birthday and it really upsets me

Every year around the beginning of November my husband and I fall out. It’s not down to the darker evenings or the nights drawing in, or even…