Is it a monkey? Is it Russell Brand? No, it’s Jared Leto’s ‘living vampire’ in Morbius

In the field of cognitive science, there is a special kind of sound known as a Shepard tone. Invented by the psychologist Roger Shepard, it is constructed…

Andrew Garfield: ‘If we only let people play exactly who they are, it’ll be the death of imagination’

It was the proudest gig to date of Andrew Garfield’s career: standing on top of a bin in central Madrid while playing air guitar with a tortilla…

How Marvel fans are turning Ukraine’s plight into dark ‘entertainment’

Not content with their monopoly on cinema box-office charts and industry budgets, Marvel enthusiasts have found a new outlet for their online fan-fiction: the war in Ukraine….

How Marvel fans are turning Ukraine’s plight into dark ‘entertainment’

Not content with their monopoly on cinema box-office charts and industry budgets, Marvel enthusiasts have found a new outlet for their online fan-fiction: the war in Ukraine….

Uncharted, review: Mark Wahlberg fits this role like a ballgown fits an orangutan

If some pitiless sadist fed a copy of The Da Vinci Code through the Hollywood Marveliser, Uncharted could easily be the result. Spun off from a popular…

Dick Van Moon Knight: why accents are Marvel’s worst special effect

The whole world is howling at Moon Knight. When it was announced Marvel’s answer to Batman was coming to Disney +, fans were looking forward to a…

Don’t knock face-masks in cinemas – or soon you’ll be praying for one

Does this mean the much-longed-for recovery is about to be stopped in its tracks? The same cinema operators that had been thrilled by the brisk advance ticket-sales…