Instructions for a Teenage Armageddon, review: not quite the Apocalypse

Rosie Day, the writer and performer of Instructions for a Teenage Armageddon, has said that she wrote the show as a dare when she was challenged by…

Kelvin’s Big Farming Adventure, review: Clarkson’s Farm wannabe leaves actor looking sheepish

A television personality with no farming experience buys a farm and attempts to run it, with often comical results. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before….

Rules of the Game, review: plenty of fun – and a furiously vaping Maxine Peake – in this mad MeToo thriller

A colleague described Rules of the Game as “HR noir”, and I can’t top that. It is billed as “a workplace drama inspired by the Harvey Weinstein…

Anne, review: Maxine Peake is perfect as the horrors of Hillsborough are laid bare

What made the first episode of Anne (ITV) so unbearable to watch is that we knew everything that was about to happen. When anxious mum Anne Williams…