Google will use artificial intelligence and satellite imagery to monitor methane emissions

The company is teaming up with the Environmental Defense Fund to help fight climate change, Engadget reports. Although carbon dioxide gets the lion’s share of the attention…

The EU plans to reduce emissions by 90% by 2040 and bets on capturing CO2 from the air

Some environmental activists have already criticized the plan because it ignores the phase-out of oil and gas, instead focusing only on coal. On February 6, the European…

Can rocks absorb enough CO2 to combat climate change? Alphabet and Shopify think so

The companies have struck a deal with startup Lithos, which offers CO2 capture services using the tactic of enhanced “weathering,” the natural ability of rocks to absorb…

Apocalypse for insects. Over the past 20 years, the number of grasshoppers has decreased by a third – due to the high level of CO2 in the atmosphere

The higher content of carbon dioxide reduces the composition of trace elements in grasses, trees and algae, as a result – animals do not receive the necessary…

The European Parliament voted for a complete ban on new cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. Approval by the EU Council is on the way

The EU is the world’s largest trading bloc and home to key automakers such as Volkswagen and the Mercedes-Benz Group. The European Parliament has officially approved new…

Swiss startup Climeworks captured CO2 from the atmosphere and put it underground. The result was confirmed for the first time by independent auditors

Microsoft, Stripe and Shopify are the first companies to pay Climeworks upfront for CO2 filtration and subsequent storage. The Swiss company said that the success of the…