Airspeeder Mk4 – a new “flying car” for air racing with a crew. Runs on water and reaches a maximum speed of 360 km/h in 30 seconds

Australian company Alauda Aeronautics – developer of eVTOL for the Airspeeder racing series – has demonstrated its new “flying car” Mk4. Airspeeder is an electric vertical take-off…

The X-57 Maxwell – NASA’s first all-electric aircraft – is preparing for its maiden flight

After years of development and recent thermal testing, the X-57 Maxwell electric plane is ready for its maiden flight. The thermal tests are important because they test…

The largest ZeroAvia Dornier 228 hydrogen airliner made a 10-minute flight

ZeroAvia has taken the world’s largest hydrogen-electric plane into the sky, taking a step forward in environmentally friendly aviation. We help The 19-seater Dornier 228 twin-engine aircraft…

China has created a remote laser charging drone that can stay at a 10-meter height for a long time.

Researchers at Northwest Polytechnic University in Xiangyang, China, have demonstrated a drone with a remote charging system that provides power through an adaptive ground-based laser that tracks…