Austria and Slovakia officially abandoned the pipeline to connect with Druzhba

The project involved the construction of 62 kilometers of pipeline between the Schwechat oil refinery and Bratislava. Austria and Slovakia officially abandoned the pipeline / photo Wikipedia…

Dear Richard Madeley: ‘Why don’t my long-term friends call me first?’

Dear Richard,  After 55 years of marriage, time spent in the forces and several moves, over the years we have obviously met many people. Some have become…

Dear Richard Madeley: ‘My partner doesn’t gel with my friends – how can I change things?’

Dear Richard, I have been in a relationship for six months and I’m very happy with my partner. My issue is that I am part of a…

11 dinner party emergencies that could happen to any of us – and how to solve them

In all the furore about the Number 10 Christmas party you may have missed this party advice from Policing Minister Kit Malthouse: dinner party guests should call…

I still send Christmas cards to people I’ll never see again – should I cull my list?

To firmly establish a new personal algorithm for send-outs, and in the name of research, I get in touch with a friend I haven’t seen or spoken…

How to tell if you’ve been hit by HOGO – the Hassle of Going Out

Working from home has killed the after-work drink, while our uniform of elasticated sweatpants and slippers means that we’re no longer sure how to dress. Anna is…

I spent two years trying to end a toxic friendship… but she wouldn’t let me leave

‘Look out of the window!’ said the text. ‘Literally just passing, thought I’d say hi.’ It was 10pm and I was at home having dinner with friends…