How Dr Michael Mosley is going to get the nation a better night’s sleep

Let’s get the obvious joke out of the way: insomnia can be terrible but an hour of Michael Mosley doing his softly-spoken shtick works wonders. Joking aside,…

What lack of sleep really does to your body

We have, it seems, become a society obsessed with sleep – how much we’re getting, how fractured it is, what constitutes enough… And perhaps it’s not surprising….

How you can sleep your way to a slimmer body

You can also try moving your food intake earlier in the day. Our metabolism works differently depending on the time. When we’re awake, our body burns calories….

How to fix your sleep schedule and get a good night’s rest in 2022

Sleep is the single most powerful health-enhancing weapon known to humankind. As a sleep doctor, I’ve spent years reading practically every paper published on the relationship between…

How to (finally) get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is the single most powerful health-enhancing weapon known to humankind. As a sleep doctor, I’ve spent years reading practically every paper published on the relationship between…

How to (finally) get a good night’s sleep in the New Year

Sleep is the single most powerful health-enhancing weapon known to humankind. As a sleep doctor, I’ve spent years reading practically every paper published on the relationship between…

How to harness the surprising power of sleep’s ‘twilight zone’

It’s happened to most of us at one time or another. You’re lying in bed, dozing off, and suddenly your mind conjures an unexpected thought or image,…

Marina Fogle: How I banished my night terrors that had plagued me since childhood

There’s not much you can do about night terrors, Leschziner tells me. In children, anticipatory wakening sometimes works, when you wake a child up before they get…