In Japan, the world’s largest tokamak – a 370-ton thermonuclear reactor – was launched

Tokamaks are toroidal reactors, which are among the main contenders to become the first commercially viable fusion power plants. We help Tokamaks, first conceived by Soviet scientists…

A thermonuclear reactor in a laptop. A Ukrainian physicist who worked on the collider talked about the future of thermonuclear technology.

The US Department of Energy announced a breakthrough in fusion on December 5. Thus, in the course of an experiment at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, they…

“Let’s increase the power of the laser” – the head of the team that made a breakthrough in thermonuclear fusion spoke about the next steps

The USA announced the production of energy from thermonuclear fusion – “One of the most impressive scientific achievements of the 21st century”

The U.S. Department of Energy announced Tuesday a monumental milestone in energy-harvesting research: Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have for the first time achieved…

“Holy Grail”: the US achieved a breakthrough in fusion for the first time since the 50s

Researchers tried to reproduce a nuclear reaction, as in the Sun In the USA, they were able to achieve a breakthrough in thermonuclear fusion / NASA US…

Scientists have achieved 120% energy yield during fusion – the data is being verified, the US Department of Energy is preparing to make a statement

Scientists at the federal Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have made a breakthrough in the search for zero-carbon energy, achieving a net energy gain in a…