It is easy to distort the work of AI models by buying domains for $60 or editing Wikipedia – research

The Technology section is powered by Favbet Tech A group of AI researchers recently discovered that for as little as $60, an attacker could tap into the…

Superb fossils of 30-million-year-old plants found in Australia

The researchers determined that for such excellent preservation, the plants must have been quickly buried under volcanic material. Scientists have found amazing plant fossils / Geoff Thompson…

You won’t see anything cuter today: scientists showed a video of Chinstrap babies

Scientists say this is the first time they have shown something like this. The National Antarctic Center of Ukraine showed a touching video about children of chinstrap…

Gap in life expectancy between sexes is closing, scientists say

According to scientists, average life expectancy in 2030 will be 86.54 years for women and 83.13 years for men. The gap between the life expectancy of men…

Scientists have learned to collect solar energy in space and transmit it to Earth

If the technology can be developed to the level of commercial viability, coal and nuclear power plants on Earth will become unnecessary. The Earth can receive the…

Scientists have named the reason for the extinction of the largest primate

Giant apes ate bark and branches after climate change transformed the subtropical environment into savanna. “Giganto” simply could not adapt to new climatic conditions / illustrative screenshot…

Scientists have found out why children and adults perceive time differently

According to the results of the experiment, the switch in time perception occurs in children aged about seven years. Scientists conducted an unusual experiment / Scientists…

Tame the lightning. Scientists managed to direct an electric discharge to a safe target with the help of a laser

During a powerful thunderstorm in the Swiss Alps, researchers were able to control lightning strikes with a laser for the first time. We help Lightning is a…

Marvel is a four-legged robot that can climb walls and other vertical surfaces using electromagnets

Researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and a colleague from the University of Illinois have created a robot called Marvel: it has…

Scientists discovered two “water worlds” in space

The objects are 218 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. Astronomers have shown two exoplanets that may consist of water / NASA photo Two exoplanets in the…

“Holy Grail”: the US achieved a breakthrough in fusion for the first time since the 50s

Researchers tried to reproduce a nuclear reaction, as in the Sun In the USA, they were able to achieve a breakthrough in thermonuclear fusion / NASA US…