Google is creating a free tool to combat terrorist content in small social networks. The first two sites will begin testing in 2023

Google Jigsaw is developing a free tool to help small websites identify and remove extremist content. We help The project, developed with support from Tech Against Terrorism,…

On Pornhub only with a passport: in Louisiana, mandatory age verification was introduced on “adult” sites

Louisiana now has a law requiring age verification of users on sites that contain pornography. We help The policy of the law is that sites that contain…

Elon Musk promises to step down as CEO of Twitter – as soon as he finds a “stupid enough” successor, but does not plan to sell the company

Until a worthy candidate for the position of head of Twitter is found, Musk will work as an executive director. Elon Musk finally commented on the results…

Since Twitter’s transition to Elon Mas, Mastodon has grown by more than 2 million users

Mastodon, the decentralized social media platform that many are touting as a Twitter alternative, saw rapid user growth, from about 300,000 active users to 2.5 million between…

YouTube blocked the account of Pornhub with 900 thousand subscribers – due to “numerous” violations of the rules

Pornhub’s account, in particular, is accused of violating the policy on posting external links (YouTube users cannot link to prohibited content on the platform, such as pornography)….

Elon Musk launched a new vote on Twitter — should he leave the position of CEO of the social network?

Musk banned Twitter users from posting links to their accounts and posts on third-party networks. After a flurry of criticism, the message about the policy update was…

Reddit has determined the most popular posts of 2022 — the post about Ukraine’s rejection of nuclear weapons, the Place canvas, and a video with kittens are among the leaders

The Reddit service summed up 2022 and identified the most popular topics and posts. As in previous years, users were actively interested in games, movies and animals,…

The most popular sites in Ukraine for October — Rozetka returns to the top three amid the rise of online shopping

Kantar CMeter analysts once again studied the change in mood of Ukrainian Internet users and based on the results published a fresh ranking of the most popular…