Farewell, Bard. Google is changing the name of the chatbot to Gemini and preparing a separate application for Android

The Technology section is powered by Favbet Tech The company introduced its new multi-modal artificial intelligence model Gemini in late 2023 and has already integrated it into…

just as “good” but slow

In December, Google announced the release of its most powerful language model, Gemini, immediately integrating it into the Bard chatbot. But is it enough to compete with…

Google Gemini vs OpenAI GPT-4 – Bard or ChatGPT? Demonstration of the capabilities of the new model and several visual examples

Yesterday, Google unexpectedly announced Gemini, a complex system of AI models that Mountain View hopes will be able to compete with the current leader GPT-4 and help…

Google Gemini vs OpenAI GPT-4 – Bard or ChatGPT? Demonstration of the capabilities of the new model and several visual examples

Yesterday, Google unexpectedly announced Gemini, a complex system of AI models that Mountain View hopes will be able to compete with the current leader GPT-4 and help…

Google launched Gemini – its largest and most powerful model of generative artificial intelligence

Despite recent reports of postponing the release of the next-gen artificial intelligence model Gemini, Google has announced its actual launch. We help Gemini is positioned as Google’s…

Google knew that Bard was not ready for release: “pathological liar”, “worse than just useless” – that’s what AI employees called during testing

Google quickly released an intelligent chatbot Bard, trying to keep up in the race of generative AI. The rush was evident not only after release, but also…

In the coming months, Google will introduce the technology of planning complex advertising campaigns with the help of AI – Financial Times

According to the Financial Times, Google’s advertising clients will soon be able to use the company’s generative artificial intelligence to plan advertising campaigns. All things considered, the…

Bard and ChatGPT could be tools to spread conspiracy theories and fakes ‘on a scale that even the Russians haven’t achieved’ – NewsGuard Group

Google’s Bard chatbot will willingly share content based on popular conspiracy theories, despite the company’s efforts to keep users safe. As part of testing how chatbots respond…

Google contractors randomly evaluate Bard’s responses due to time constraints for testing – Insider

Appen employees help improve Google’s chatbot, and among the main tasks is checking Bard’s texts for compliance with user prompts. However, there is so much work that…

Google is manually correcting the answers of Bard – the recently introduced AI chatbot for the search engine

After a promotional video in which Bard gave false answers, Google took to manually fixing the chatbot’s errors. Google Search VP Prabhakar Raghavan reportedly sent an email…

Google’s new chatbot lied in an advertising video — it cost the company $100 billion in market capitalization

Bard, Google’s new AI technology, got the answer wrong in a demo, causing Alphabet’s stock to plummet. On Monday, Google announced its second AI chatbot, Bard –…

Tushe, Google: Microsoft announced the new Bing and Edge based on the updated II ChatGPT

Microsoft uses artificial intelligence for a new way of viewing web pages, and in the chat of the Bing search engine, like ChatGPT, users will be able…

Bard is Google’s answer to the ChatGPT chatbot. It is based on the LaMDA neurogenerative model

OpenAI’s automated text generation system ChatGPT has attracted public attention for its ability to produce naturalistic prose. But this system did not last long. Google has announced…

Google’s CEO forced the entire team to test Bard – AI technology designed to “destroy” ChatGPT

Google CEO Sundar Picha wrote a memo urging all employees to join Bard’s active testing. He also noted that the company will soon attract partners to test…