Russia is preparing for the third cycle of the war at the end of May – Putin will throw people in waves

The Russian government does not stop trying to seize the territory of Ukraine. In particular, the Russian military is currently preparing for the third cycle of the…

Russia is pulling new forces to Ukraine: Arestovich explained whether this will change anything at the front

Russia is trying to make up for the loss of combat strength, therefore it is mobilizing reservists. In particular, even military pensioners receive summons to the draft…

“Russia has already begun to sell victory”: Arestovich on the arrival of the Kremlin propagandist Solovyov in Mariupol

Solovyov published a photo with the leader of the “DNR” militants Denis Pushilin near the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. Kremlin propagandist Vladimir Solovyov is now in…

Arestovich told how the Russian occupier in Ukraine blew up an armored personnel carrier with himself and his colleagues

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, reported on civil strife among the Russian military fighting in Ukraine. In particular, one of these disputes…

Arestovich explained why Russian soldiers are constantly being pushed into the offensive on the equipment of the 60s

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, explained why Russian troops continuously continue their offensive. He believes that this is…

“We got hit in the face, we are standing, we are thinking what to do next”: Arestovich commented on the “big offensive” of the Russian army

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said that the Russian occupation forces continue to collapse on the territory of Ukraine. The enemy troops…

Arestovich told how the Russian occupier in Ukraine blew up an armored personnel carrier with himself and his brothers

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, reported on civil strife among the Russian military fighting in Ukraine. In particular, one of these disputes…

Angelina Jolie in Borislav and the next "claps" in Belgorod: the main events of the night offers to find out the main events of the night that you could oversleep. Five main news of the night of May 2: Aleksey Arestovich, adviser…

"We are preparing a" Zerg Rush ": Arestovich – about the further situation at the front

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said that Russia is preparing to transfer about ten thousand volunteers to the territory of Ukraine. Russian…

"We warned": Arestovich – about the collapse of the Russian occupiers in the war with Ukraine

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the presidential office, said that the Russian occupation troops continue to maintain an offensive potential, but their plans are gradually…

"Putin will have nothing to announce on May 9": Arestovich said that the Russian army has lost its offensive potential

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that soon the troops of the Russian invaders would no longer be able to go…

“They are joyfully concentrating and want to proudly go forward”: Arestovich said that he was waiting for the invaders near Hulyaipole

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said that the Russian occupation troops were concentrating troops and preparing to attack in the direction of…

“We thinned them out very much”: Arestovich told how Russian troops are “sighing” in the Izyum direction

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said that over the past two or three weeks, several thousand more have come to help Russian…

"The Russian offensive in the Izyum region has slowed down": Arestovich named the reasons

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that the Russian military had significantly slowed down their offensive in the…

Minus a company every day: Arestovich spoke about the losses of the Russian army during the "big offensive"

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy the equipment of the enemy that invaded Ukrainian soil. Russia daily loses at least one company in Ukraine, sometimes…

"They work professionally": Arestovich – about the information war of Russia against Ukraine

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the President’s Office, said that the Russian occupiers do not stop waging an information war in order to mislead Ukrainians…

Minus mouth daily: Arestovich spoke about the losses of the Russian army during the "big offensive"

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy the equipment of the enemy that invaded Ukrainian soil. Russia daily loses at least one company in Ukraine, sometimes…

Putin will throw 18-year-old conscripts to war: Arestovich turned to Russian mothers

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that there were no trained military men left in Russia, so she…

The entire rotten Putin regime rests on six thousand cripples – Arestovich

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin rests on six thousand…

"Everything except nuclear weapons": Arestovich spoke about the situation in Mariupol

Nevertheless, the Ukrainian defenders continue to go out on separate sorties and destroy the enemy who has approached on the ground. Mariupol continues to be fired by…

"Russia creates hysteria in Transnistria, as it did in ORDLO," Arestovich

Hysteria is being created in Pridnestrovie, approximately the same as was created in the LPR/DPR before the conflict began – they say that the insidious Ukraine wants…

"As we beat, so we will beat": Arestovich about the "referendum" in Kherson

For infidels, the Russian Federation is just a continuation of international isolation and the accelerated imposition of sanctions for an attempted new annexation of the territory. In…

Arestovich gave a new forecast for Russia's war against Ukraine: what to expect in the summer of 2022

Advisor to the Office of the President Oleksiy Arestovich gave a new forecast regarding the events that may take place in the war between Russia and Ukraine…

“In the USSR, they would have been shot for such a war”: Arestovich called the pace of advancement of the enemy in eastern Ukraine

During their massive offensive in the Izyum direction since April 4, Russian troops were able to advance only 12-17 km. This speaks of the absolute failure of…

Putin's "lightning strike": Arestovich explained what the threats of the president of the aggressor country mean

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin about lightning strikes in…