Meta “separates” Messenger from Instagram chat — to avoid punishment from EU regulators

The feature that allows you to communicate using two platforms will be removed already in mid-December. We help Meta added cross-platform Messenger and Instagram chat integration in…

Meta “made its way” to China 14 years after the ban on Facebook – by concluding an agreement with Tencent on the sale of VR headsets

Mark Zuckerberg’s company is returning to China, but not with social media. We help According to The Wall Street Journal, Meta has struck a deal with Chinese…

“Goodbye Meta, hello MetAI!” — analysts are concerned about the takeover of Mark Zuckerberg II and the growing costs of AI

Just 18 months ago, Mark Zuckerberg made a bet on virtual reality and changed the name of his company to Meta. Analysts now half-jokingly predict that it…

The Ministry of Culture “clarifies the relationship” with Meta and YouTube – pages of Ukrainians continue to be blocked, and channels on the video platform record a drop in traffic

Oleksandr Tkachenko reported that the Ministry of Culture sent a letter to YouTube and held a meeting with the Meta team. Course Photo The course is taught…

Animated Drawings is Meta’s open source AI project that will turn your doodles into animations

Meta offers developers open source and a dataset of 180,000 images for the AI ​​project Animated Drawings, which will help animate ordinary drawings. The web version of…

Meta created SAM – a new AI model that identifies objects in images and videos through user prompts

SAM (Segment Anything Model) is an image segmentation model from Meta that can respond to cues (text or cursor-pointed) to identify certain objects in an image or…

Security like the president’s. Meta increases Zuckerberg’s security spending by another $4 million – despite massive cutbacks at the company

The total amount of funds directed to the protection of the founder of Meta is $14 million per year. “This increased allowance, along with spending on Zuckerberg’s…

Biden vs. Big Tech: The US president called on Congress to pass laws limiting the influence of Apple, Google, Amazon and other big companies

US President Joe Biden has called for antitrust legislation targeting tech giants, with companies such as Amazon, Apple, Meta and Google in particular. The president also touched…

Facebook has reached 2 billion active users – the social network continues to grow, despite the reductions, which will continue in 2023

Another 16 million people joined Facebook last quarter, bringing the total number of daily active users to 2 billion, Meta said during its latest financial report. We…

Donald Trump is returning to Facebook and Instagram – his accounts were blocked 2 years ago after storming the Capitol

Meta will restore Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts within weeks. If the former US president violates the company’s content policy again, his accounts will be banned for…

Meta will soon end support for the first Quest VR headset and limit the available social features

With the release of another firmware update for the original Quest virtual reality headset, Meta intends to end support for the device. As a result, owners of…

Posts by Ukrainian users on Facebook and Instagram are moderated by Ukrainians, Meta assures

The company Meta, which owns the social networks Facebook and Instagram, talked about the features of message moderation, including Ukrainian users. Previously, Ukrainians complained many times that…

Tech industry titan John Carmack is leaving Meta after 9 years on the job

John Carmack, known for his work on virtual reality projects as well as classic games like Doom and Quake, is stepping down as a technical consultant at…

How tech companies are downsizing in 2022, Visual Capitalist infographic

In 2022, company downsizing is so common that many sites have started tracking these events, from Crunchbase to Indian tech website Inc42. They even created a separate…

Mark Zuckerberg criticized Apple, calling its business model with a 30 percent commission on the App Store “problematic”

The New York Times hosted its annual DealBook Summit on Wednesday. Tech industry professionals voiced their opinions on everything from the future of cryptocurrency to the strict…

Ireland fines Meta €265 million for data leak of 533 million Facebook users in April 2021

The Irish Data Protection Commission fined Meta €265 million over a data breach in April 2021 that exposed the information of more than 533 million users. The…

Meta folds development of VR fitness app, buys rival Within instead – US FTC not happy

The US Federal Trade Commission said that Meta Platforms Inc. disrupted competition in the market when it abandoned plans to create its own virtual reality fitness app…

Mark Zuckerberg announces 13% reduction in Meta staff – 11,000 employees will lose their jobs

As expected , Meta announced that it would lay off 11,000 employees, about 13% of its total workforce. In September, the company reported having 87,000 employees. This…

Meta plans to lay off thousands of employees amid Horizon Worlds losses and falling market value of the company

Meta is planning major job cuts that could affect thousands of employees. Sources familiar with the situation told The Wall Street Journal that layoffs could begin as…

"Council of bloggers" asked to unblock Facebook and Instagram in Russia

November 01, 2022, 18:58 In March of this year, Meta was blocked in Russia for ignoring extremist statements against Russians. The world-famous and popular social networks Facebook…

Meta Connect event on October 11th likely to show off Project Cambria's powerful mixed reality headset

Meta will be hosting its annual Connect conference dedicated to virtual reality projects on October 11 this year. This was announced by the CEO of the company…

Meta announced the launch of a program to support economic recovery in Ukraine

Meta, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development and Diya.Business, launches an assistance program to restore the economy of Ukraine . Within its framework, Meta…

It's time to prepare for the economic downturn: Meta cuts plans to hire engineers by 30% and hints at possible layoffs

Meta Platforms is cutting its engineering hiring targets by at least 30% this year. The company also warned all employees to prepare for a severe economic downturn….

Meta COO Sheryl Sandberg resigns after 14 years at Zuckerberg's company

After 14 years at ex-Facebook (now called Meta), COO Sheryl Sandberg has announced her departure. She will leave her position in the fall, and the vacant seat…

Meta: The EU is like a "fishing trawler" collecting lots of useless documents as part of an antitrust investigation

Meta has accused the European Union competition authority of acting like a “fishing super trawler”. According to the company, the antitrust agency is collecting a huge amount…